
Day 101 – 1 Jul 19. Leap frog With the Boys

Today 41.4 km (25.7 m), Total Distance 2060.4 km (1280.3 m), 10 hours 30 minutes (0725 – 1755)

When I woke up the guy beside me was already gone. I was ready quickly as I usually am when there is cooked food to look forward to.
The trail continued climbing and I knew I had 8 miles of uphill to look forward to but knowing how gentle the gradient had been I was not concerned. The trail continued in the trees on the side of a steep hill for several hours before reaching the ridgeline.

There was a small flat bit and then the climb continued, emerging into a short open bit where the flowers were back and there was views of forested hills to my right. In this open rocky bit there were a few lizards scurrying about and it took a little
bit to get used to them being underfoot again.

The trail followed the edge of the ridge line and just short of Lookout Rock was a big sign from some trail angels in Bucks Lake offering accommodation.

I detoured to Lookout Rock and spent some time there just taking in the views. The two boys passed as I was sitting there. I continued on and less than 50 meters on I came across the guy I camped next to last night. He was having a second breakfast and
I was able to discover his trail name was Fritter.
Shortly afterwards I was back into the pine trees and there was a lovely section of track, less a few downed trees across the trail. I was feeling good and seem to have got my trail legs back now. I came across some trail magic, two bottles of water and
a large plastic bin full of books. I was good for water and did not feel like carrying the extra weight of a book so continued.
Two miles later, just short of the road there were two packs on the side of the trail so I kept my eyes straight ahead knowing that meant the two boys were off the side of the trail taking care of their morning business.

I went through a really vibrant
green area that was slightly overgrown and had some swampy bits and a couple of small streams and then emerged onto a sealed road. This was the road to Bucks Lake, 2 miles away. It was an option for food and resupply but I was happy to continue on with my plan of getting to Belden.

Across the road was a few small clear patches then back to going on the side of the hill through the forest. I met a PCT hiker coming towards me in bare feet. We had a short conversation and the two boys passed again.
I was enjoying the trail and my mind was drifting off into different tangents. The miles were flying by with almost no effort. I passed the two boys when they stopped to filter water and I asked them their trail names. They were called Spaceman and Sherlock.
On one steep section there was a group of 4 hikers sitting on the trail having a break. Three were heading south and one was going north. The usual questions were asked and once again people were surprised when I said I had gone through the Sierras and then even more surprised when they found out I went through solo. Spaceman and Sherlock once again caught up but they knew the group so they stayed to chat as I continued on.
There was a few more miles on the side of the hill before dropping down off the ridge to Bucks Lake Road where there were some information boards and a carpark that actually had several cars in it, day hikers I assume.I crossed over and there was a trail register which I filled in. Just as I finished I saw Spaceman and Sherlock approaching.
Now I was on a wide trail which looked to be on an old road. It was a steady uphill in an area with lots of shrubs and no shade so I was pretty warm. I saw one day hiker and his dog.

The trail did a big dogleg and then it steadily climbed. It was getting
near lunchtime but I wanted some shade so I pushed on up the hill to a small creek. There was a couple there but they seemed focused so after the “North or South”? question they pushed on, going North.

I decided this shady little spot next to the creek would make a lovely lunch spot and sat down for a long lunch break. I had tortilla with Cashew Butter and another with Almond Butter, lollies (sweets), nuts, corn nuts and beef jerky. I was still hungry
afterwards but was nearly out of snacks. I kept expecting Sherlock and Spaceman to arrive but I guess they were having a longer lunch break than me.
Now I continued but the trail was in the trees so I had some shade. There was some big zig zags but the gradient stayed gentle and the trail wide. As the trail flattened out near the top of the hill snow patches appeared and there were a few across the path. I was in a shaded valley. I heard a lot of frogs and went beside a lake. I tried to see the frogs but they were pretty shy. I could only see a couple in the water swimming away. I left the lake behind and after a few more snow patches climbed up a little further and was clear of the snow.
After crossing a dirt road the trail turned sharply left and was back in snow for a bit, including a few sections with no visible trail. There were footprints but at one stage they mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear 20 meters on.

Just as I was getting clear of the snow patch I caught up to the couple. They did not hear me so I had to as them to let me past as they were going a lot slower than I was up the hill.

Not much further on the trail came to the edge of a steep drop off. The trail followed the top of the drop off and there were tantalizing views of a rocky area and some lakes below but the trees were interrupting the view.

After following along the edge
for a bit, still trough snow patches I came to a clearer part and was able to see the pretty lakes below. There were two small ones and a larger one.

I was clear of the trees as I climbed a small hill and along a steep spur before dropping over the other side and back into the trees. Now I was on the other side of the ridge line and going below Mt Pleasant and then beside Clear Creek.

At one big snow patch I had a female PCT hiker come towards me. She said the snow was nearly finished. I think she was french by the accent.

She was right, after 50 meters I saw the last snow of the day. There were a few creek crossings as I continued down next to the rapidly growing stream and then I had to cross the stream. It was too wide to jump and there were no rocks so I headed downstream and found some logs that I was able to use to cross over and keep my feet dry. I stayed there filtering water ready for camping.
After the stream crossing it was back to walking on the side of a hill in the forest. below me there were some lakes and I came to an area thick with mosquitoes. While it was near time to camp I decided to push on to the ridge line to try and get clear
of the mosquitoes.
As the trail climbed it cleared the forest and was on a sandy trail surrounded by thick shrubs. There were lovely views to the right of shrub filled hills and a valley way below. I noticed some caterpillars on the trail and then looked to the side and saw them all over the shrubs with white flowers. There were a few overgrown bits and I had to brush by the shrubs with white flowers, collecting a few caterpillars on my shirt as I went.
At the first potential campsite on the saddle it was really windy so I decided to push on and shortly afterwards found a nice sandy patch in between the shrubs. The sand was soft and I needed to use some small rocks to keep my tent pegs in place.
Later that evening Snowman and Sherlock passed but otherwise I had the place to myself.

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